Curriculum Vitae


I was born in Helsinki in 1948, educated in my home town and have a B.A. (1972) and M.A. (2002) in English from the University of Helsinki. As a young student I was taught by author and translator Eila Pennanen who introduced me to the art of translation. Together we translated the first two parts of The Lord of the Rings, and I have been a freelance translator ever since.

I was appointed Artist Professor in September 2008.

University of Eastern Finland honoured me with a doctorate 2014



Robert van Gulik, Chinese Gold Murders (1959), Kiinalaiset kultamurhat, with K. Rikman, WSOY, 1972

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings (1954-5) Taru Sormusten Herrasta I-III,I-II with E.Pennanen, WSOY, 1973-5

Richard Adams, Watership Down (1972), Ruohometsän kansa, WSOY,1975

A.A. Milne, The House at Pooh Corner (1928), Nalle Puh rakentaa talon WSOY, 1975

A.A. Milne,Winnie-The-Pooh (1926), Nalle Puh, WSOY,1975

L. Frank Baum, TheWonderful Wizard of Oz (1900), Ozin Velho, Otava, 1977

Alan Garner, The Owl Service (1967), Huuhkajalaakso,WSOY,1978

Melville Davisson Post,Uncle Abner (1911-27)  Oli synkkä ja syksyinen yö, WSOY, 1978

Peter Lovesey, Mad Hatter's Holiday (1973) Käsi krokotiilialtaassa, WSOY, 1978

L. Frank Baum, The Marvelous Land of Oz (1904), Ozin maa, Otava, 1978

Francis Allan, Death in gentle grove (1976), Kuolema lempeässä laaksossa, 1979

Paula Fox, The Stone Faced Boy (1977), Kivikasvo, WSOY, 1979

L. Frank Baum, Ozma of Oz (1907), Prinsessa Ozma, Otava, 1979

Dick Frances, Smokescreen (1972), Savua silmille, Otava,1979

J.R.R. Tolkien, Silmarillion (1977), Silmarillion, WSOY,1979

Edward Taylor, Men from the Ministry, Knalli ja sateenvarjo, Finnish Radio, 1979 - 2002 (a 1960s BBC sitcom which has acquired cult status in Finland, nearly 200 episodes)

Mordecai Richler, Jacob Two-Two meets the Hooded Fang (1975), Jaakko Kakkonen kohtaa hirveän irvihampaan,Otava, 1979

Margery Sharp, The Rescuers (1959) Pelastuspartio Bernard ja Bianca, Otava, 1979

Julian Symons, A Three Pipe Problem (1974), Karatemurhat, WSOY,1980

Walter Wangerin, The Book of the Dun Cow (1978), Kannusjalka, WSOY, 1980

David Day, Tolkien Bestiary (1978), Tolkienin maailma, WSOY,1980

Paula Fox, The Slave Dancer (1975) Orjalaivan vankina, WSOY,1980

Alan Garner, Elidor (1965), Mustan tornin portilla, with T.Rovamo, WSOY, 1980

Margery Sharp, Miss Bianca (1962), Bianca-neiti, Otava,1980

Andrew Davies, Conrad's War (1978), Sotaleikki, Otava,1980

Vera and Bill Cleaver,Queen of Hearts (1978), Herttakuningatar, WSOY,1981

Allen Saddler, Willie Banks and the Technological Revolution, Willie Banks ja tekninen vallankumous, Finnish Radio, 1981

Laurie Lee, As I Walked out One Midsummer morning (1969), Niin minä läksin maailmalle keskikesän aamuna, Otava, 1982

Michelle Magorian,Goodnight, Mister Tom (1981), Willie itkupilli, WSOY

Barrie Keeffe, Sus (1979), Kuulustelu, Finnish Radio, 1983

William Golding, Darkness Visible (1979), Näkyvä pimeys, WG,1983

Kjartan Ragnarsson, Joi, Joi, Finnish Radio,1983

Hugh Leonard, Da (1978), Pappa, Drama Corner,1984

W.J. Corbett, The Song of Pentecost (1982), Helluntai-hiiren laulu, Otava, 1985

William Golding, The Paper Men (1984) Paperimiehet , WG,1985

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit (1937), Hobitti, WSOY,1985

Tillie Olsen, Tell Me a Riddle (1961), Hei merimies mikä laiva, with A.Martin, LOVE, 1986

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lost Tales (1984) Keskeneräisten tarujen kirja, WSOY, 1986

William Boyd, Stars and Bars (1985) Tähtilipun alla, WSOY,1987

Caryl Churchill, Top Girls (1982), Huippumimmit, Vaasa Theatre, 1987

Alice Walker, The Color Purple (1982), Häivähdys purppuraa, WSOY,1987

Jayne Anne Phillips, Fast Lanes (1987), Pikakaistat, Tammi,1988

Christopher Hampton, Tales from Hollywood (1989) Hollywoodin tarinoita,Finnish Radio, 1989

Anthony Minghella, Hangup (1987), Katkolla, Finnish Radio,1989

Stephen Berkoff, Kvetch (1986), Vipinä, Lilla teatern,1990

Charles Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby (1838-9), Nicholas Nicklebyn elämä ja seikkailut,WSOY, 1992

Agnes Smedley, Daughter of Earth (1929), Maan tytär, Kääntöpiiri, 1992

Dorothy L. Sayers, Have His Carcass (1932), Tässä teille ruumis, WSOY,1993

Dorothy L. Sayers, Gaudy Night (1935), Juhlailta, WSOY,1994

Peter Lovesey, A Case of Spirits (1975), Oma henki kullan kalllis, WSOY, 1994

Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest (1895) Tärkeintä on olla Uno, Finnish Radio, 1994, and Helsinki City Theatre, 1996-7

Dorothy L. Sayers, Busman's Honeymoon (1937) Kuolema häämatkalla, WSOY,1995

Oscar Wilde, A Woman of no Importance (1893), Merkityksetön nainen, Finnish Radio, 1995

Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere's Fan (1892), Lady Windermeren viuhka, Finnish Radio, 1995

Aphra Behn, The Rover (1677-81), Veijarit, Finnish National Theatre, 1995

Jayne Anne Phillips, Shelter (1994), Suojelus, Tammi,1995

Nadine Gordimer, None to Accompany Me (1995) Ei seuraa matkalleni, WSOY,1996

Oscar Wilde, Ideal Husband (1895), Ihanneaviomies, Vaasa City Theatre,1997

William Nicholson, Shadowlands (1993), Varjojen maa, Tampere Theatre,1997

Richard Adams, Tales from Watership Down (1996), Ruohometsän tarinoita, WSOY, 1997

Laurence Sterne, Tristram Shandy (1761-7), Tristam Shandy, WSOY, 1998

Louis de Bernierès, Captain Corelli's Mandolin (1996), Kapteeni Corellin mandoliini, Otava, 1999

Jayne Anne Phillips, MotherKind (1999), Äidin aika, Tammi,2000

James McBride, Color of Water (1998), Veden väri, WSOY,2000

Jhumpa Lahiri, Interpreter of Maladies (2000), Tämä siunattu talo, Tammi, 2001

Margaret Edson, W;t (1995), Henki, Helsinki City Theatre,2001

J.R.R. Tolkien, Roverandom (2000), Roverandom,WSOY, 2001

Ronald Harwood, The Quartet (1999), Kvartetti, Helsinki City Theatre, in production 2002

J.R.R. Tolkien, Niggle's Leaf, Niukun lehti, WSOY, 2002

Z. Markowtiz, Agony Troll (2002), Tuskapeikko, Finnish Radio, 2002

Laurence Sterne, Tristram Shandy I (1759), Tristram Shandy I, näköispainos, Kirja kerrallaan, 2003

Henry James, Washington Square (1880), Washingtonin aukio, Otava. 2003

Tennesee Williams, Sweet Bird of Youth (1959), Nuoruuden suloinen lintu, Helsinki City Theatre, 2003

J.R.R. Tolkien, Father Christmas Letters, Kirjeitä Joulupukilta, WSOY, 2003

Terry Johnson, Hitchcock Bolode, Hitchcockin blondi, Helsinki City Theatre, 2004

Jhumpa Lahiri, The Namesake (2003), Kaima,  Tammi 2005

David Pownall, Masterclass (1983), Mestariluokka, Helsinki City Theatre, 2006

Brian Sibley, John Howe,The Maps of Tolkien's Middle-Earth (2005) Tolkienin maailman kartat, WSOY, 2006

Charles Dickens, Bleak House (1852-3), Kolea Talo, Tammi, 2006

William Shakespeare , Merry Wives of Windsor (1602?), Windsorin iloiset rouvat , WSOY, 2006, performance Helsingin työväenopisto 2008

Tom Stoppard, Rock'n'Roll (2006), Rock and Roll , Helsinki City Theatre 2008

J. R. R. Tolkien (ed. Christopher Tolkien), Children of Húrin (2006), Húrinin lapset , WSOY, 2007

Jhumpa Lahiri, Unaccustomed Earth (2008), Tuore maa , Tammi, 2008

William Shakespeare, Much Ado about Nothing(1598), Paljon melua tyhjästä , WSOY, 2009

Jayne Anne Phillips, Lark and Termite (2009), Kiuru ja Termiitti , Tammi, 2009

A.S. Byatt, The Children's Book (2009), Lasten kirja Teos, , 2011

 Mate Matiši?, (2006), Nainen ja ruumis, Radioteatteri, 2012 (englannin kautta)

Julian Barnes, Sense of an Ending (2011), Kuin jokin päättyisi, WSOY, 2012

A.S. Byatt, Little Black Book of Stories (2003), Pieni musta kirja Teos, 2012

John Hodge, Collaborators Yhteistoimintaa, tilannut Helsingin kaupunginteatteri, 2011

Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (1813), Ylpeys ja ennakkoluulo, Teos, 2013

Jayne Anne Phillips, Quet Dell (2013), Murhenäytelmä, Tammi 2014






Sayersin suomentamisen ihanuus ja ihanuus ( Translating Sayers) in Lehtolainen, Leena (ed.), Kuka & miksi? Dorothy L. Sayers 100 vuotta (Dorothy L. Sayers centenary publication), Helsinki: Dekkariseura, 1993.

Puhekieli ja kirjakieli (Spoken and written language in drama) in Aaltonen, Sirkku,(ed.), Käännetyt illuusiot. Näytelmäkääntäminen suomalaisessa teatterissa (Translating drama), Tampere:Tampere University Press, 1998

Translating Tristram Shandy in Leppihalme, Ritva, (ed), Helsinki English Studies, The Electronic Journal of the Department of English at the University of Helsinki, Volume 1, 2001,Translation Studies

Bumpy Ride MA Thesis on translating Tristram Shandy 

Classics Packaging in Proceedings of the XVII World Congress International Federation of Translators, Tampere 2005

Kolumns in Logos (in Finnish) 2000 -

Kotimaani ompi suomi in Kristiina Rikman (ed.) Suom.huom. WSOY 2005

Induction speech Oct 22 2008


Several courses at the universities of Helsinki, Tampere and Joensuu 1975-

Lectures at the universities of Helsinki, Turku, Joensuu and Tartu (Estonia) and Oriveden opisto 1975-

One of the teachers of three Masterclasses organised by the Finnish Translators' Association

One of two teachers at Oriveden opisto one week course for literary translation, 2007 and 2008

Leader of a week long course for literary translators in Rhodes 2007



Finnish Government Annual Award for Translation 1976 (Lord of The Rings and Watership Down) and 1986 (The Hobbit and Papermen) 

Werner Söderstöm  Publisher’s award  1997 (No One to Accompany Me)

Suomi Award (Finnish Government Annual Award) 1998 (Tristram Shandy)

Agricola Prize for the best translation 1999 (Tristram Shandy)

Finnish nomination for the  European Union Aristeion award 1999 (Tristram Shandy)

Finnish Cultural Fund Prize for Life's Work 2006F



Helsinki City 1993

Trust for Finnish Literature 1979 
Finnish Government project grants 1995 and 2003

Publishers Grant, Otava 1998

Finnish Cultural Fund 1977, 1984, 2002, 2003

Finnish Ministry of Education 1978, 1980, 1988, 1989, 1990

Finnish Government Artist’s Grant for 6 months 1979

Finnish Government Artist’s Grant for three years 1981-83

Finnish Government Artist’s Grant for five years 1997-2001

Finnish Government Artist’s Grant for six years 2004-

Finnish Cultural Fund Eminenri Grant 2014


Residency in Art Omi Ledig House, Ghent, NY, USA, April-June 2002 and October 2002

(dates may be slightly inaccurate)

Recidency at Visby Baltic Centre for t´writers and translators 2015 and 2018




Moderator and founder of Finnish literary translators' list konteksti from 2000

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